How to Create a League of Legends Shortcut On Desktop?
In the wake of sending off the game you may be stressed over how to play Class of Legends on PC. Just sit back and relax, it’s simple. It will be simpler to partake in the principal meetings, and you might need to make a work area easy route to make the game more open. In any case, it isn’t generally so natural as it sounds, and players battle to make a work area symbol. This is the way to make a Class of Legends easy route.
1. Open Record Wayfarer and snap on Neighborhood Plate C.
2. Select League of Legends by clicking on it in the Riot games folder.
3. The application is called “League Client.” Right-click on it and make its alternate route.
4. Snap and drag the made alternate way to your work area

League of Legends – Keyboard Shortcuts
B | Recall |
Esc | Close Current Window |
C | Open Chamption Statistics |
G | Toggle Alert Ping Cursor |
Y | Toggle Camera Lock On Champion |
Space | Center Camera On Champion |
O / Hold Tab | Match Stats/Leaderboard |
V | Toggle Retreat Ping Cursor |
Ctrl + L | Cycle Through Minion Health Bar Views |
Shift + L | Turn Off Champion Health Bars |
Shift + K | Turn Off summoner Names Above Champion Health Bars |
P | Open Item Shop |
← ↑ → ↓ | Move Camera |
Alt + Left Click | Ping Location/Open Radial Menu |
Ctrl + Left Click | Retreat Ping Location/Open Radial Menu |
F2 or F3 or F4 or F5 | Move Camera To Corresponding Ally Champion |
F12 | Take Screenshot |
Enter | Create Chat Cursor |
Shift + Enter | Open Chat With “/all” |
Ctrl + F | Toggle The Numeric FPS & Latency Display |
Z | Chat History |
Hold ~ | Select/Target Only Champions When Using Champion Abilities or Summoner Speels |